Brexlog: An introduction

I’m a youth and I love politics. No, not the partisan squabbles fed abundantly on a daily basis in our beloved country. But real politics, those that shape the future of Europe and the World. Perhaps coming from a youth it is quite bold, but yes, I really do love politics.

I am Rebecca Azzopardi, a 19-year-old student currently attending the University of Malta and enrolled in the Bachelor of European Studies with Communication Studies course. Although there are many things that could have caught my attention as the subject  for this blog, Brexit is quite the natural choice for me at present.  

I admit that my interest in politics was not the only reason for choosing Brexit. The European Union and its complex relationship with Member States and between its institutions intrigues me, and Brexit is definitely the major political development in decades.  Now that it has supposedly reached its final stages, things are reaching boiling point from all ends.

Brexlog will aim to evaluate things from both the European Union’s perspective and also the British perspective. It will also take into account how certain decisions will affect the European Union as well as the United Kingdom in the long run.
